Member-only story
Adventures in Diagnostics

In which the author recounts the experience of a midnight MRI scan
Last night, I underwent an MRI scan at midnight.
First, some background:
1. “MRI” stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a non-invasive imaging technique that uses magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues in your body. It’s much more detailed and gives much more information about structures in the body compared to other diagnostic imaging techniques like X-rays, CT scans, etc.
2. In my province, there is a backlog of requests for MRI diagnostic scans, and so the publicly funded health care system has moved to 24/7 scheduling. To make the most of these expensive tools, and to reduce wait times, MRI machines run around the clock whenever there are technologists available to staff them.
3. I was referred for an MRI because of a tremor in my right hand that was diagnosed as an “essential tremor”. The neurologist ordered the MRI as follow up just to be sure.